Imaging of hydrogen pathways
Subsurface velocity model as a by-product
Full potential to be revealed
Minimal seismic impact: Avoids the need for dense seismic arrays and active seismic sources.
No community disruption: Operates without impacting local community activities.
High sensitivity to fluid movement: Detects hydrogen pathways by identifying rapid changes in gas flux more effectively than other methods.
Advanced seismic imaging: Produces high-end seismic imaging derived from seismic ambient noise tomographic techniques.
Emerging exploration tool: CCW for natural hydrogen exploration is at the forefront of innovation, with its full potential yet to be fully realized.
Why choose Avert Geos for Natural Hydrogen Exploration?
From Lefeuvre, N., et al. [2021]. Native H2 exploration in the western Pyrenean foothills, AGU, 22, 8