Early detection of accident precursors
Enriched monitoring data
Cost effective & environmentally friendly
Triple-bottom-line approach: Supports people, planet and profit by mitigating risks associated with dam failures and slope instability.
Enhanced worker and community safety: Improves security for on-site workers and nearby residents.
Data-driven sustainable mining: Provides crucial information and insights to promote sustainable and efficient mining operations.
Deep acoustic wave detection: Utilizes passive seismic technology to detect anomalies deeper and further within tailings storage facilities (TSFs) or wall structures and identifies issues before surface sensors or visual inspections can.
Comprehensive data integration: Complements existing strain sensors, extensometers, piezometers, inclinometers, LiDAR and InSAR with detailed acoustic wave data for a more robust monitoring solution.
Minimal equipment needed: Eliminates the requirement for seismic sources and dense arrays and allows effective monitoring with fewer than 20 sensors.
Adaptable installation: Offers high flexibility in sensor placement to accommodate ongoing mining activities
Why choose Avert Geos for Mining?
Environmentally friendly
Early detection of CO2 leaks
Monitoring the CO2 plume without the use of expensive 4D seismic
MMV cost reduction
Dual monitoring
Minimal seismic footprint: No dense seismic arrays required.
No seismic sources needed: Operates without active seismic sources.
Low-density monitoring: Begins monitoring effectively with fewer than 1 sensor per km2.
High sensitivity to fluid movement: Detects CO2 plume extensions with less saturation earlier than time-lapse seismic methods.
Comprehensive coverage: Monitors the entire CO2 storage area from surface to injection point.
Cost-effective offshore CCS: Provides a budget-friendly alternative to costly 4D seismic methods for offshore carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects.
Integrated fluid and stress tracking: Collaborates with partners to enable simultaneous monitoring of fluid dynamics and stress using a single system.
Why choose Avert Geos for CSS?
Time-lapse seismic images of the Sleipner CO2 plume. NS inline through the plume (top); plan view of total reflection amplitude in the plume (bottom).​

From «Quantitative analysis of time-lapse seismic monitoring data at the Sleipner CO2 storage operation, A.Chadwick et al., The Leading Edge, February 2010»​
Environmentally friendly
Early detection of diffuse gas leaks
Cost-effective monitoring
Combined with microseismic detection
Safe and cost-effective gas storage: Facilitates secure and economical underground gas storage solutions.
Minimal seismic impact: Eliminates the need for dense seismic arrays or active seismic sources.
No community disruption: Operates without disturbing local community activities.
Enhanced fluid sensitivity: Enables early identification of gas leakage paths through heightened sensitivity to fluid movement.
Comprehensive subsurface coverage: Monitors the entire subsurface area, from surface aquifers to the storage zone, effectively with fewer than 5 sensors per km2.
Integrated fluid and stress monitoring: Offers simultaneous tracking of fluid movements and stress within the storage area.
Why choose Avert Geos for UGS?
Environmentally friendly
Imaging of hydrogen pathways
Subsurface velocity model as a by-product
Full potential to be revealed
Minimal seismic impact: Avoids the need for dense seismic arrays and active seismic sources.
No community disruption: Operates without impacting local community activities.
High sensitivity to fluid movement: Detects hydrogen pathways by identifying rapid changes in gas flux more effectively than other methods.
Advanced seismic imaging: Produces high-end seismic imaging derived from seismic ambient noise tomographic techniques.
Emerging exploration tool: CCW for natural hydrogen exploration is at the forefront of innovation, with its full potential yet to be fully realized.
Why choose Avert Geos for Natural Hydrogen Exploration?
From Lefeuvre, N., et al. [2021]. Native H2 exploration in the western Pyrenean foothills, AGU, 22, 8
Innovative & proven
Enriched monitoring data
Cost effective & environmentally friendly
Water resource insights: Improves understanding of water resources to anticipate scarcity and prevent pollution effectively.
Enhanced monitoring: Complements traditional piezometers, TDR, and neutron logging methods and provides comprehensive aquifer volume monitoring.
Validated by research: Supported by scientific research with technology calibrated against piezometer data.
Non-invasive solution: Utilizes a cost-effective sensor network that reduces the need for expensive piezometers
Why choose Avert Geos for Water?